Monday, September 27, 2010

Ken Holt Shows Why He Should be Baltimore County Executive

Republican Ken Holt

My district in Baltimore County has been represented by arch-socialist snob, Kevin Kamenetz for 16 years.  Last night was the first time that I've heard someone finally take him to task for his lying about issues concerning taxation and spending, corruption, and corporate cronyism with local land developers.  The man who took him down was Republican Ken Holt.  Holt is challenging Kamenetz for what Democrats thought would be a coronation for County Executive.  Holt and Kamenetz debated last night on a new radio show on WCBM hosted by Jay Liner of "All Politics is Local".

You can listen to the full audio of the debate here.  (Courtesy of Bryan Sears of Patuxent Publishing Company)

Some of the highlights included Holt's dressing down of Kamenetz's 10 year lie about not raising property taxes in the county.  Holt pointed out that they raised the assessed property values so much that it is tantamount to a tax increase.  Also, when asked about an intangible quality that he posses over his opponent, Holt tersely replied, "Honesty".  One of my favorite moments was when Holt reminded Kamenetz that for his million dollars worth of ads he only received 40,000 votes.  (And according to the Gazette, a third of that came from early voting, of course.)  Towards the end of the debate, Holt admonished Kamenetz for his nasty and misleading primary campaign against fellow councilman Joe Bartenfelder.  To everyone's surprise, Bartenfelder called in and gave the following haunting retort to Kamenetz's promise to run a facts and issues based campaign:

“Kevin, buddy,.. If we're gonna have factual dialogue between now and the general [election], let’s make sure you stick with exactly what the facts are, buddy, OK?

“Because, you know, I wouldn't want any more of those misrepresented ads out there.”

This comment by Bartenfelder comes on the heels of a report that one of Bartenfelder's farm trucks had a Ken Holt bumper sticker on the back.  I don't think that Kamenetz and his snobby comrades ever dreamed of getting entangled in a tough general election race with a straight shooting, hard charging, Reagan Conservative.  However, Ken Holt is just getting started and will soon teach Kamenetz that his super leftist elitist attitude doesn't play well outside of his councilmanic district.  It appears that some of his fellow Democrats are already meting out this tough lesson to a man who was supposed to sail through the general election with the millions of dollars that he received from land developers.

As we reported earlier, Baltimore County is the key to making Maryland a two party state, and this year present us with a historic opportunity.  It is also imperative that we take advantage of this year's positive electoral climate to groom a farm team of conservative leaders in Maryland.  Any Maryland conservative who is looking to donate to a campaign that needs our help, but at the same time has a legitimate chance of winning, should look no farther than Ken Holt.   Let's take back Baltimore County from a one party rule and elect Ken Holt for County Executive.

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