Thursday, July 14, 2011

MD Petition: Over 100,000 Signatures and Counting

From the incipient stages of the petition drive, I always knew that we would surpass the requisite 55,000 signatures to win a ballot referendum against the Maryland Dream Act.  However, none of us ever dreamed that we would be so successful.  According to the latest figures released by the Maryland Board of Elections, 102,338 signatures have been validated.  Aside for the profound alacrity to sign the petition, these figures show how competently and efficiently MDPetitions carried out the process.  This has been the most successful public policy push by conservative in Maryland history!

Here is the breakdown of the figures by county:

Allegany 994
Anne Arundel 13,045
Baltimore City 2,592
Baltimore County 24,257
Calvert 1,778
Caroline 1,130
Carroll 10,494
Cecil 2,503
Charles 770
Dorchester 922
Frederick 7,469
Garrett 289
Harford 12,431
Howard 5,070
Kent 608
Montgomery 4,969
Prince George's 2,338
Queen Anne's 1,250
Saint Mary's 718
Somerset 431
Talbot 1,379
Washington 5,478
Wicomico 879
Worcester 544
TOTAL 102,338 

Those astounding numbers from Baltimore County should serve as a lesson for Maryland Republicans.  There is a lot of potential to pick up elected offices in BC, if we would only try.

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